Friday, April 2, 2010

Home School Prom

As Russell Hitchcock’s crisp vocals rang out, Elijah emitted a crestfallen sigh. The nights may be better for Air Supply, but Elijah was lonely on what was supposed a special night for any teenager - prom. Sure his mom had tried her best to gussy up the garage with crepe paper and a large banner saying “Home School Prom,” but her horrendous choice in music and catering, tater tots and Juicy Juice, only reinforced his feelings of loneliness. Elijah sighed again and cast his eyes downward.

But Mrs. Harper smiled proudly at the job she had done, as she was chaperoning her son’s prom. In her opinion no one would have recognized the garage had it not been for the 2001 Ford Contour taking up the majority of the dance floor. Then she realized Elijah had been standing against the wall all evening. “Don’t you want to dance, honey?” she asked.

“With who, mom?” he retorted. Didn’t she realize he was the only one there? Of course she did; she thwarted all of his efforts to invite someone, anyone else. Or was she expecting him to dance alone.

“Well” Mrs. Harper hesitated, “you could always ask me.”

“Oh you cannot be serious,” Elijah thought rolling his eyes. “Why wouldn’t you let me invite a girl?” he asked.

“I don’t want you dancing with girls,” she replied.

“Fine I’ll dance with boys then – is that what you want? For me to be grinding my junk on some guys inner thigh.” he snapped.

“I spent a lot of time working on this young man. And I raised you better than to think those sort of thoughts. And if you continue act this way, there will be serious consequences Elijah Clair Harper” she said eyes burning with fire.

Elijah groaned quietly with a broken spirit. He reminded himself that it would be over soon, and swallowed his pride. He began to dance alone, if only to appease his mother. She cooled and smiled. Maybe tonight she would allow him stay up to 9:30 since it was prom night.

“Mom, are you guys almost done with my Air Supply CD?” Leslie asked as she popped her head in the garage. Her mom had told her not to interrupt her brother’s prom, but Leslie could not resist.

“Get out of here Leslie. You’re ruining prom,” Elijah yelled.

“Loser,” Leslie said completely satisfied with her ability to irritate her brother as she returned to the kitchen.

Alone once again with his mom, Elijah Harper let out another sigh. Then a loud noise came from kitchen. Elijah looked over to his mother, and she to him. Suddenly Leslie burst through the door screaming at the top of her lungs. Flesh eating zombies had stormed the Harper home. Unable escape due to layers of crepe paper covering the garage door opener and the 2001 Ford Contour blocking the other door, zombies devoured the entire Harper family in their garage. Home School Prom started reeking of emotional depression but ended in bloodshed at the hands of the undead.

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